Spring Chinook Fishing on the Columbia River and Tributaries

Columbia River Spring Chinook

The First chance we have at Chinook Salmon every year is in the Columbia River from its mouth near Astoria Oregon to the first dam on the river, Bonneville Dam. Our season here is already started and will go through April 6th. In theory the later in the season you go, the better fishing gets. With the Columbia river running at a normal flow for this time of year and the water clairity being more than enough to catch these fish I am really excited with what is in store for the next couple of months. When targeting these fish I prefer to use a triangle flasher and about 5 foot of leader to a plug cut herring and troll it down stream about 2 foot off of the sandy bottom. When a fish bites I have seen it take close to a minute for the fish to eat the herring and be hooked. Bites like that will really test your patients! Other times they swallow the herring so fast and agressivly you cant even get the rod out of the holder.

Tributary Spring Chinook

After the Columbia River closes for salmon fishing I will move into the tributaries. My first stop will be the Willamette River where we troll a variety of baits ranging from the same herring and triangle flasher to the newly popular 360 flashers and spinners or superbaits. The Willamette has been producing fish through June the last few years, so lots of opportunity is out there. I will also be fishing on the Lewis River for Spring Chinook this year. This is a lot more hands on fishing. I use many of the same techniques as I do in the fall time here. These include hover fishing, back bouncing and bobber fishing. All of which you will have the rod in your hand when the fish bites. There really isn’t a better feeling than a salmon eating your bait while you’re feeling every bite through the rod.

Recent Catches

This Father and Son had an excellent day of Winter Steelhead fishing from the Pontoon, here is one of the fish caught that day.
On a COLD Winter day this Steelhead fell for a small bead drifted under a bobber.


Open Dates

Columbia River Spring Chinook Season
30th – 6 seats
31st – 6 seats
1st – 6 seats
3rd – 6 seats
4th – 6 seats
6th – 6 seats
3rd – 6 seats
5th – 3 Seats
Call, Email or txt for Tributary Spring Chinook Availability.